Make 2015 Your Brightest Year Yet with Teeth Whitening from Dr. Bobby Carmen in Norman, OK

January 15, 2015

100047604It’s not too late to make one more New Year’s resolution: smile more. But if your smile isn’t as white and bright as you’d like, that may be a difficult resolution to keep. So, why not consider doing something to make that resolution a cinch? Dr. Bobby Carmen in Norman, OK, revives smiles with professional teeth whitening.

As we age, our teeth become stained and discolored for a number of reasons, including:

  • Commonly consumed foods and drinks, such as blueberries and red wine
  • Tobacco use
  • Certain medications, such as the antibiotic tetracycline
  • Genetic predisposition
  • The unavoidable aging process itself

Fortunately, there is a way to reverse the hands of time. Teeth whitening is a popular and safe alternative to simply putting up with a dull smile. Dr. Carmen uses the Kör® Whitening Deep Bleaching™ System. Kör combines the precision and comfort of custom-fitted trays that we fabricate in the office with the convenience and comfort of whitening your teeth at home.

Teeth Whitening in Norman, OK

When you visit Dr. Carmen for teeth whitening, we’ll take impressions of your teeth in order to make form-fitting trays that snuggly but comfortably hold the whitening gel against your teeth. The KöR whitening gel restores your teeth’s ability to absorb oxygen. The oxygen from its whitening gel is absorbed deeply into the tooth, dissolving stain molecules. You’ll notice results within a few days, but for maximum whiteness, you should continue treatment for about two weeks.

At the end of treatment, your teeth will be dramatically whiter, and Kor even whitens teeth stained by tetracycline. In addition, patients report low tooth-sensitivity using the Kör® Whitening Deep Bleaching™ System.  For long-lasting brilliance, Dr. Carmen may recommend combining in-office teeth whitening with periodic take-home touch-ups.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you’d like to learn more about teeth whitening, then call the office of Dr. Bobby Carmen. We conveniently serve patients in Norman, OK, as well as Moore, the University of Oklahoma, central Oklahoma and beyond.

Rely on Dr. Bobby Carmen for Family Dentistry in Norman and Moore

December 30, 2014

170082992Wouldn’t it be nice to find a dentist who provides a one-stop shop for all of your family’s dental needs? Yes. Well in that case, you’ve come to the right place! Dr. Bobby Carmen practices all of the elements of family dentistry for patients in Norman, OK, as well as Moore.

As your family dentist, Dr. Carmen will want to see you and all the members of your family for dental checkups at least twice each year. At these checkups, he and our dental hygienists will clean your teeth and remove plaque, assess your gum health, examine for signs of tooth decay and take x-rays when necessary to reveal hidden spots of decay. If found, Dr. Carmen will fill these decaying spots with a tooth-colored composite resin that matches your natural tooth color.

Periodontal Therapy in Norman and Moore

Likewise, if we find an indication of gum disease, also called periodontal disease, we take the necessary steps to halt the progress of this all too common disease. Treatment may include root scaling and planing to remove plaque from below the gum line and smooth the surface of tooth roots; antibiotic therapy; laser treatment to remove bacteria and help gums reattach to your teeth; and oral surgery in advanced cases of gum disease. In this instance, we will refer you to a competent periodontist.

More Family Dentistry in Norman and Moore

Dr. Carmen also treats patients for sleep apnea and TMJ dysfunction. Sleep apnea is a chronic condition that causes lapses in breathing during the night. There is one audible consequence—snoring—but the other consequences are far more life threatening and include high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Dr. Carmen treats sleep apnea with an oral appliance that shifts the position of the jaw in order to maintain an open airway.

TMJ dysfunction results from the malfunction of the temporomandibular joints, which move your jaw up and down. While there are a number of conditions that can cause TMJ, the most common is nighttime teeth grinding and clenching. Here too, Dr. Carmen can prescribe a custom-designed oral appliance.

Call Our Office Today

To schedule an appointment for family dentistry in Norman and Moore, call the office of Dr. Bobby Carmen. We’ll be glad to see you and your whole family. Our office serves patients in Norman, OK, as well as Moore, the University of Oklahoma, central Oklahoma and beyond.

Restorative Dentistry from Norman Dentist Dr. Bobby Carmen

December 15, 2014

134124545The first job of a dentist is to preserve oral health and prevent problems. But when problems do arise—and most people don’t go through life without at least a few dental problems—it’s important to restore your oral health and your smile. When those dental problems happen, there are a number of procedures that fall into the category of restorative dentistry. Dr. Bobby Carmen in Norman, OK, is your Norman dentist who practices a variety of restorative dentistry procedures to give you back your happy smile.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

One of the most common dental problems is tooth decay. Fortunately, repair has come a long way since the days of dark, metal fillings. Today, your Norman dentist, Dr. Bobby Carmen, can use composite resins to restore teeth to an attractive and healthy state. This tooth-colored plastic mixture can be blended to find the perfect match to your teeth’s natural color.

CEREC One-Visit Crowns

For a tooth that is severely cracked, or to protect a tooth that has recently undergone root canal therapy, you’ll need a crown. Dr. Carmen offers CEREC One-Visit Crowns, which are convenient, strong and completely natural looking. After taking a 3D image of your tooth, our CEREC machine mills a strong, beautiful restoration in about an hour. We’ll permanently place the crown during your single visit, and you’ll leave our office with a full, healthy smile.

Dental Implants

If you’re missing one or more teeth, dental implants offer the most lifelike replacement. The advantage of a dental implants is that both the tooth root and crown are restored. First, Dr. Carmen implants a biocompatible titanium post in your jawbone beneath the open tooth socket. Then once the bone and implant have fused, a custom-designed crown or implant retained denture is affixed to the new tooth “root.”

Call Our Office Today

These are just some of the restorative dentistry procedures offered by your Norman dentist, Dr. Bobby Carmen. Others available include dentures and fixed bridges, inlays and onlays, root canals and full-mouth reconstructions. We serve patients in Norman, OK, as well as Moore, the University of Oklahoma, central Oklahoma, and beyond.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Norman, OK

November 30, 2014

porcelain veneersIf your smile doesn’t make you happy, then perhaps you should consider cosmetic dentistry. Unlike traditional dentistry that focuses on the health of your mouth, teeth and gums, cosmetic dentistry addresses the appearance of your smile. Under the overall heading of cosmetic dentistry, there are a number of treatment options for you to consider. Cosmetic dentist Dr. Bobby J. Carmen and his staff in Norman, OK, will be happy to consult with you to find the cosmetic dental treatment that will give a smile guaranteed to make you happy.

Your Cosmetic Dentistry Choices

The first step toward your new and improved smile is a smile makeover consultation with Dr. Carmen. Our office takes a comprehensive approach to smile makeovers, making sure your teeth and mouth are healthy before beginning any cosmetic treatments. Once your best oral health is confirmed, Dr. Carmen will recommend the cosmetic treatment best suited to your unique situation. These may include:

Teeth Whitening—to remove surface stains and reveal a whiter smile, we offer the KOR™ Whitening at-home teeth whitening system. You’ll simply wear the custom-fitted trays and professional grade whitening gel for the time Dr. Carmen specifies, and you’ll see a whiter smile in a few days.

Cosmetic Bonding—for a tooth with a slight imperfection, such as a chip or minor misalignment, Dr. Carmen may recommend one-appointment bonding. A tooth-colored composite resin is applied to the tooth and hardened with a curing light. Once hardened, Dr. Carmen will sculpt and polish the restoration.

Porcelain Veneers—for more seriously stained, chipped or misaligned teeth, there are porcelain veneers, which are thin layers of dental porcelain that Dr. Carmen adheres to your teeth. Porcelain veneers are fabricated in a dental lab to specifications designed to best enhance your unique smile and face.

Cosmetic Gum Lift—if your smile shows too much gum and not enough teeth, then a gum lift can uncover the tooth structure that is hidden beneath that overgrown soft tissue. Excess gum tissue is precisely removed and after a short recovery, you’ll have a happy smile to show the world!

Schedule an Appointment Today

To learn more about the possibilities of cosmetic dentistry, call the office of Dr. Bobby J. Carmen in Norman, OK. We also conveniently serve patients in Del City, Moore, the University of Oklahoma and throughout central Oklahoma.

Cosmetic Bonding for Quick and Easy Tooth Repair

October 15, 2014

Shutterstock Lumineers Close UpOops! You just chipped a tooth. Or perhaps you have a tooth that has always been misshapen or misaligned. There’s no reason to settle for a smile that is less than what you want it to be. With the modern dental treatment of cosmetic bonding, that tooth can likely be repaired in one appointment at the Norman, OK, office of Dr. Bobby Carmen.

When is Cosmetic Bonding the Right Choice?

There are a number of cases when cosmetic bonding may be the perfect option. Some of these instances include:

  • Repairing a chipped or cracked tooth
  • Restoring the look of discolored or stained teeth
  • Correcting the spacing between teeth
  • Changing the shape of a tooth

With cosmetic or dental bonding, Dr. Carmen will first need to slightly roughen the exterior of the existing tooth in order to provide the proper surface for the bonding material to adhere. Then a tooth-colored resin material is applied to the tooth. The resin is molded and smoothed to the desired shape. A special ultraviolet light that “bonds” the resin to the tooth hardens the material. Dr. Carmen will further shape, trim and polish the bonded material to match the appearance of the rest of the tooth, thereby restoring your tooth and improving your smile.

Advantages of Cosmetic Bonding

The first advantage of cosmetic bonding is that the procedure can usually be completed in a single visit, unless several teeth are involved. Secondly, cosmetic bonding rarely even requires local anesthesia. Finally, when compared to other cosmetic dental procedures such as veneers or crowns, cosmetic bonding is relatively inexpensive.

Call the Office of Dr. Carmen Today

Whether you just noticed that chipped tooth or you have a tooth that has been bothering you for a while, cosmetic bonding may be just the solution you’re seeking. Make an appointment with Dr. Carmen and his team in Norman, OK. We’ll be happy to speak to you about what cosmetic bonding can do for your smile. Dr. Carmen also serves patients throughout Central Oklahoma, Moore, Del City and the University of Oklahoma.

Choosing Between Dentures and Dental Implants

September 29, 2014

Shutterstock Explaining ImplantsIf you have missing or damaged teeth that need to be replaced, you may be considering a choice between dentures and dental implants. For a long time, dentures were the only option for people looking to replace teeth that had been lost or extracted. Today, you may also choose dental implants. The decision between dentures and dental implants shouldn’t be taken lightly and you should get all the facts before you make your choice. You can make an appointment with Dr. Carmen in Norman, OK,today to get those facts and discuss your options.


Full and partial dentures are made of a series of one or more false teeth that are attached to a metal or plastic framework. Simulated gum tissue is added for a more natural look. Dentures are held in place with the use of an adhesive paste or wafers. However, their bond is not always secure; dentures can slip and move around while eating and speaking. Lower dentures tend to move more frequently and can cause gum irritation and sores. Dentures require daily cleaning and will eventually need replacement. Dentures also do not correct the missing tooth roots in your jaw, which may lead to jawbone recession and facial collapse.

Dental Implants

Choosing dental implants can eliminate some of these issues. The process starts with a tiny titanium implant that’s inserted into your jawbone to serve as the replacement tooth root and to preserve the bone structure in your jaw. A dental crown is then attached to the dental implant, serving as your prosthetic tooth. Implants will not slip or move, require far less maintenance than dentures and are the most permanent solution for tooth loss, often lasting a lifetime.

Dentures and Dental Implants in Norman, OK

Be proactive about your oral health and make an appointment with Dr. Carmen today for a free consultation about your choice between dentures and dental implants. Dr. Carmen restores smiles everyday throughout Norman, Del City, the University of Oklahoma, Midwest City, Moore, and Central Oklahoma.

The Importance of Dental Care During Pregnancy

September 15, 2014

shutterstock lumineers smileIt’s reported that approximately 40 percent of pregnant women in the U.S. have some kind of oral health problem. The gum disease, gingivitis, affects 60 to 75 percent of pregnant women, and if left untreated, can develop into a more serious periodontal disease. Rises in hormone levels during pregnancy cause the gums to swell, bleed, and trap food, resulting in increased irritation to the gums. Preventive dental care during pregnancy, like dental cleanings and semi-annual exams, are not only safe, but are recommended for the health of the mother and baby. If you are pregnant, then make an appointment with Dr. Carmen today. Dr. Carmen is experienced, gentle and serves patients throughout Norman, OK, Central Oklahoma, Moore, the University of Oklahoma and Del City.

Dental Care Issues during Pregnancy

If you have a toothache during your pregnancy, see a dentist immediately. Pregnant women should not self-medicate dental pain because excessive doses of pain medication, such as Tylenol, can damage the liver and endanger the fetus. Dental care during pregnancy such as fillings and crowns should be treated to reduce the chance of infection and pain. The second trimester of pregnancy is the ideal time for needed dental work. However, postpone all unnecessary dental work, like cosmetic procedures, until after delivery.

Dental Care during Pregnancy can be comfortable and stress-free. If dental work is needed, the amount of anesthesia administered will be the minimum required. When the mother is comfortable, the amount of stress on the baby is reduced. Also, the more comfortable you are, the easier it is for anesthesia to work. If dental treatment requires antibiotics to prevent or treat infections, then antibiotics such as penicillin, amoxicillin, and clindamycin are safe to use during pregnancy and may be prescribed after a procedure.

Pregnancy Dental Care in Norman, OK

Dr. Carmen will take any necessary step to put an expectant mom at ease during your visit. Make an appointment with Dr. Carmen today to protect your health and the health of your baby. Dr. Carmen proudly serves patients throughout Norman, Central Oklahoma, Moore, the University of Oklahoma and Del City.

Have Healthy Gums with Gum Disease Therapy

August 29, 2014

472315273Though many people think that the key components to a healthy smile are white, straight teeth, that cannot be further from the truth. It is important that with many things in life, in order to have a thriving result of any kind, you must have a healthy, solid foundation. Many people may not know this, but your gums are the foundation of your smile, and if they are compromised in any way, the results can be detrimental. Gum disease, also known periodontal disease, is the second most common disease facing Americans, as the first is the common cold. It is very important that if you are living with gum disease, you take care of it as soon as possible. Dr. Bobby J. Carmen is able to handle your gum disease by offering gum disease therapy at his Norman, OK dental office.

Though gum disease may not seem like a big deal to some, leaving it to its own devices can really be harmful, not only to your smile, but to your body as a whole. Untreated gum disease can lead to bone loss, tooth loss, TMJ, heart disease, stroke, and even dementia. Many people do not know that they are living with gum disease, which can be even more harmful. A few signs of gum disease are gums that are red and swollen, receding gums, gums that are sensitive to the touch, and discolored gums.

There are many ways that Dr. Carmen is able to handle your gum disease. He will perform scaling, which is removing the bacteria and tartar from below the gum line. There is also root planing, which involves smoothing the areas of the tooth’s root that have become jagged due to the tartar buildup. There is laser treatment, which will remove the infected gum tissue as well as promote the growth of healthy tissue, and for more advanced cases, there is surgery with a periodontist that we will refer you to. If you feel as though you are living with gum disease and would like the help of Dr. Carmen, contact our office today, and we would love to help!

Contact our Norman office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Carmen. Our team can’t wait to leave you with a happier and healthier smile. We also serve the areas of Moore, the University of Oklahoma, and beyond.

Anti-Snoring Devices for a Quieter, More Restful Night of Sleep

July 24, 2014

Shutterstock Sleep Apnea Couple PeacefulDoes snoring cause problems in your relationship? For many couples, this noisy nuisance is enough to send one partner searching for a quieter place to sleep, even if it means spending the night on the couch so that the non-snoring party can finally get some rest. At Bobby J. Carmen, DDS in Norman, OK, we understand your need for uninterrupted sleep and our team wants to help. With the help of an anti-snoring device, Dr. Carmencan help you stop snoring and enjoy more restful sleep every night.

Stop Snoring Without Surgery

Depending on the cause of your snoring, surgical intervention may not be necessary. A customized oral appliance made especially for you can effectively offer relief from nighttime snoring by opening up your airway as you sleep. When the soft palate and tongue obstruct the passageway from your mouth to your lungs, the air you breathe in causes audible vibrations; this is what we know as snoring. When your wear your anti-snoring device, however, the tongue and jaw are held in their proper positions while you sleep. The result is a quieter night for both you and your partner.

Though not all people who suffer from snoring are affected by a condition called sleep apnea, the two are frequently connected. If you feel extremely tired during the day – even after a full night of sleep – ask Dr. Carmen about sleep apnea and how it affects your health. We’d be happy to offer treatment for this prevalent sleep condition as well.

Anti-snoring Devices: A Snoring Solution that Really Works

If you or your partner is affected by excessive snoring and you’re ready to make a real change, contact our office in Norman, OK today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Carmen and our friendly, experienced staff. We look forward to showing you how a simple change and a custom anti-snoring device can improve your overall quality of life. Our cutting-edge dental practice warmly welcomes patients from throughout Norman, Moore, Central Oklahoma, the University of Oklahoma, Del City, Midwest City, and more.

Cosmetic Gum Lift: Transform Your Smile with Dr. Bobby J. Carmen

July 10, 2014

shutterstock_100520008When you look at your smile in the mirror, do you like what you see? Do you feel confident in the appearance of your teeth and gums, as well as the way your smile impacts your overall appearance? For some patients, excessive gum tissue can make teeth appear short and stubby, negatively affecting the symmetry and balance of their smile. At Bobby J. Carmen, DDS in Norman, OK, Dr. Carmen and his team help patients with all kinds of cosmetic woes finally achieve the confident, gorgeous smiles they’ve always dreamed of. One of the ways we do this is with a procedure called a cosmetic gum lift.

Can a Cosmetic Gum Lift Help Me?

Many people who think that their teeth look too short (or that their smile is filled with too much gum in general) believe the problem to reside with the actual length of their teeth. Fortunately, this is not typically the case. The teeth are merely covered by too much gum tissue, hiding the healthy crowns of the teeth beneath. Using only the most advanced soft tissue laser technology, Dr. Carmen can effectively and carefully remove this excess gum tissue, revealing more of the tooth in a way that is completely safe. After a brief period of healing, you’ll see a completely transformed new smile emerge.

In order to determine if a cosmetic gum lift procedure is the right choice for you, Dr. Carmen will first assess the health and status of your gum tissue and teeth. If you are a good candidate for this solution, we will formulate a treatment plan that is specifically tailored to your individual needs. You’ll love your results, finally feeling fantastic about the way your teeth and smile look.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you’d like to learn more about how cosmetic dentistry treatments can help you enjoy a bold, confident smile you’ll truly be proud to show off to the world, Dr. Carmen is here to help. Contact our office in Norman, OK today to schedule your appointment with our caring, experienced team. Our family-friendly, state-of-the-art practice also happily serves patients from throughout the surrounding areas, including Del City, the University of Oklahoma, Midwest City, Central Oklahoma, Moore, and beyond.

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