Sedation Dentistry – What It Is, and What It Isn’t

November 28, 2012

It’s easy to think that sedation dentistry is the same thing as sleep dentistry. Yes, you’re put under, but there’s a major difference: you don’t completely fall asleep during sedation dentistry.

Dubbed as being in a “twilight state,” you don’t necessarily stay awake or go to sleep. You’re relaxed, but not dreaming exciting dreams about being out of the dentist chair. Thankfully, the work gets done while you’re between states of consciousness. You can be easily aroused during the procedure, but don’t worry: you’ll be able to respond to what your doctor asks of you.

Know that there are different levels of sedation:

  • Minimal (awake, yet relaxed)
  • Moderate (partially awake)
  • Deep (almost asleep but still awake)

If your anxiety of going to the dentist is high, seriously consider sedation dentistry. Anxiety isn’t an only factor. You should also consider this approach if you have a gag reflex, trouble with a local anesthetic, or experience neck or lower back pain while in a dentist’s chair. It’s important that you’re not embarrassed by thinking about this procedure. What might be only for children is completely understandable and acceptable for adults too. It’s OK to be afraid, but Dr. Carmen can calm those fears.

Consider your options and feel free to ask all of your questions with Dr. Carmen and his staff. Dr. Carmen received holds his certification with the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation. He provides nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation, and he works closely with an anesthesiologist who administers IV sedation. Dr. Carmen will be with you the whole way through: from consultation to the day of treatment to your recovery. That’s certainly something to keep in mind.

Call our office to schedule a consultation. We proudly serve patients from The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Moore, Central Oklahoma, and surrounding areas.