Bobby J. Carmen, DDS Blog

Dr. Carmen’s Office Also Mills Inlays and Onlays in One Visit with CEREC

November 4, 2011

If you know anything about CEREC, you know that with a CEREC machine, Dr. Carmen can mill brand new, all-porcelain crowns in about one hour. But what you may not know is that we can do more with CEREC than just crowns. Our CEREC machine also lets us mill inlays and onlays.

What Are Inlays and Onlays?

Like crowns, inlays and onlays are used to restore teeth damaged by decay or other kinds of damage. But here’s the difference. While a crown restores an entire tooth, inlays and onlays are designed to specifically for situations where a crown would be overkill, but a filling wouldn’t be enough.

More specifically, inlays are used to restore the space in between a tooth’s cusps, which are tooth’s curved edges, while onlays actually fit over one or more cusp.

Because we can mill them right in our Norman office, only one visit is required to complete your procedure. And, because inlays and onlays let you retain more of your natural tooth structure than a filling would, they can actually help you prolong the life of your tooth.

Want To Know More About Inlays and Onlays from Dr. Carmen?

Call our Norman office to schedule a consultation visit with Dr. Carmen. He’d be happy to answer any questions you might have about an inlay/onlay procedure, or any of our other services.

Get in touch with us today! We serve patients from the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Moore, Central Oklahoma, and beyond.

You Can Make Your Child’s Halloween Cavity-Free with Xylitol Candy

October 21, 2011

Halloween’s just a little over a week away now, and if you have little ones, you know how much they’re looking forward to the big day. You, on the other hand, just wish there was a way you could get them through the night without ruining their teeth.

Well, there is.

With xylitol candy, you can help your child stay cavity-free without dampening their trick-or-treat spirit.

The Benefits of Xylitol

Xylitol comes from the fibers of fruits and vegetables. It’s low in calories, low in carbohydrates, and has been used as for years as a sweetener, especially in sweets for diabetics. But its biggest benefit is in the way it interacts with teeth.

Unlike traditional sugar, which gives bacteria energy to feed on by breaking down, xylitol doesn’t break down. It also promotes a healthy pH level in the mouth and makes it more difficult for bacteria to stick to teeth, meaning that it actually protects smiles from cavities.

But where can you find xylitol candy?

Some online options include,, and Amazon, but with a little research you may be able to find just what you’re looking for at your nearest health foods store.

Want to know more about xylitol candy, or how you can help your child have a cavity-free Halloween? Visit or give Dr. Carmen’s Norman office a call today. We serve patients from the University of Oklahoma, Moore, Central Oklahoma, and beyond.

Sedation Dentistry Is Not Just For Anxiety

October 6, 2011

What comes to mind when you think of sedation dentistry? Typically, it’s dental anxiety, which is the number one reason millions of Americans avoid the dentist each year.

But dental anxiety isn’t the only reason patients may want to consider sedation dentistry from Dr. Carmen’s Norman dental office. For some patients, a sensitive gag reflex could be what’s standing in the way of a healthier, stronger smile. With sedation dentistry, though, patients can look forward to enjoying comfortable care at last.

Likewise, for patients who may suffer from neck or back pain and have trouble sitting for long periods of time, sedation dentistry can help. But with IV sedation, we can make it possible for you to sleep comfortably through your appointment, allowing Dr. Carmen to finish more work in less time than it would ordinarily take without sedation dentistry.

It’s also possible for sedation dentistry to help patients who may not be affected by local anesthetics, easing anxieties about pain. You’ll feel so relaxed that your appointment will feel like it only took a few moments.

Still Have Questions? Call Us Today!

Dr. Carmen would be happy to answer any questions you might have about sedation dentistry. Call our Norman office today to schedule your consultation visit. Dr. Carmen serves patients from Moore, the University of Oklahoma, Central Oklahoma, and surrounding areas.

TMJ Therapy from Dr. Carmen

September 23, 2011

You’ve probably heard of TMJ, but do you know what it is? Many believe TMJ is a painful condition that involves jaw clicking or jaw pain. And while that’s not far from the mark, TMJ actually stands for nothing more innocuous than temporomandibular joint, which is the joint connecting both sides of your jaw to the bottom of your skull.

TMJ dysfunction is the term we actually use to talk about that painful yet common condition involving jaw, shoulder, neck, and back pain, among other symptoms. And because it’s much more common than you might think, Dr. Carmen checks for TMJ dysfunction in every patient who comes in for a visit, because no one should have to live with unnecessary pain.

Relief from Painful Symptoms

One of the primary ways Dr. Carmen can help you treat TMJ dysfunction is with a physiologic bite appliance, the goal of which is to correct a misaligned bite—one of the primary causes behind TMJ dysfunction.

But an oral appliance isn’t the only way our Norman office can help. Because stress is another leading cause of painful symptoms, learning how you can alleviate it can dramatically affect your daily life. We’ll teach you some helpful relaxation techniques to keep in mind and show you how even paying attention to your posture can make a significant difference.

Want to learn more?  Contact our Norman office to schedule your next check-up. Dr. Carmen will thoroughly inspect your smile for TMJ dysfunction, in addition to gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer.

Call us today! Relief is just around the corner!

The Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

September 2, 2011

For years, dentists have used traditional amalgam fillings to treat tooth decay. So why does Dr. Carmen’s Norman office use tooth-colored fillings? Well, there are a few reasons.

One is that tooth-colored fillings come with a cosmetic benefit. Tooth-colored fillings, as the name suggests, are tooth-colored. So when you smile, you end up showing off beautiful, healthy teeth instead of dark fillings. That’s because tooth-colored fillings can be shaded to blend in exactly with your teeth. Only you and Dr. Carmen will even know you have fillings.


The Cosmetic Benefits of Porcelain Crowns

August 16, 2011

Back in May, we published a post on single visit crowns. In it, we talked about how porcelain crowns can restore structure, strength, and function to a decayed or damaged tooth.

But porcelain crowns don’t just have a practical benefit—they have a cosmetic benefit as well. Because porcelain mimics the look and feel of a natural tooth better than almost any alternative, patients with porcelain crowns can look forward to enjoying a restoration that blends in seamlessly with the rest of their smile.

This is due partly to their design. The crown produced by Dr. Carmen’s CEREC machine uses a 3D image of your tooth as a guide. Moreover, your crown will be shaded to exactly match the color of your surrounding teeth, ensuring, in the process, that your restoration looks at natural as possible.

A Natural-Looking Restoration in One Visit

If you’d like to know more about the cosmetic benefits of porcelain crowns and how they can help you strengthen a weakened tooth, give us a call today to schedule a consultation visit with Dr. Carmen. We can help you understand all your options and make a decision that will help your smile stay strong and confident.

Dr. Carmen’s Norman office serves patients from The University of Oklahoma, Moore, Central Oklahoma, and surrounding areas.

Call us today!

A Back-To-School Appointment with Dr. Carmen

August 4, 2011

Now that August is here, the first day of school isn’t far behind. So, with that in mind, why not call our Norman office and schedule an appointment for your son or daughter with Dr. Carmen.

With a thorough oral exam and cleaning from our office, Dr. Carmen can help protect young smiles from plaque and bacteria, the primary ingredients of tooth decay and gum disease.

Why Are Regular Visits So Important?

Regular visits, which include back-to-school visits, are important for more than just protecting a smile from cavities.

What a lot of patients don’t know is that their oral health can actually impact their overall health. The impact may not be immediate, but over time, the same bacteria and plaque responsible for gum disease and tooth decay can increase a patient’s risk of developing a wide range of health problems, including heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, stroke, and even pre-term birth.

That’s why another term for general dentistry is preventive dentistry. Regular cleanings plus daily brushing and flossing helps your entire body stay strong, in addition to protecting your smile from gum disease and tooth decay.

To schedule an appointment for yourself or your child, give us a call today. Our Norman office serves patients from The University of Oklahoma, Moore, Central Oklahoma, and surrounding areas.

A Long-Lasting Cosmetic Alternative with Porcelain Veneers

July 20, 2011

If your teeth are slightly misaligned or stained, you have options for fixing them. In just a couple of years, braces can correct a misaligned smile, while professional whitening can leave teeth as much as eight shades brighter.

But, depending on your case, neither of these may be right for you. Maybe your teeth aren’t misaligned enough to make braces practical, or perhaps professional whitening hasn’t done anything about your stains.


Boost Your Confidence with a Smile Makeover

July 8, 2011

Maybe you have a big event coming up soon—a wedding, a family reunion, or you’re gearing up for a job search—and you want to make a great impression. One way to do this is with a dazzling smile. That’s why Dr. Carmen’s Norman office features a variety of services for patients in search of a smile makeover.

With a smile makeover, we can boost your confidence and improve your overall health. And all it takes to get started is a simple consultation visit.


Teeth Whitening from Dr. Carmen and KOR™ Whitening

June 22, 2011

It’s natural for teeth to become stained, whether because of certain foods or beverage, habits like smoking, or even some medications. But you don’t have to live with a stained smile. With KOR Whitening, patients can have the dazzling smiles they deserve.

And to make the whole process easier and more convenient for our patients, you can use KOR in our office or in the comfort of your own home—whichever is a better fit for your schedule.


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