A Reminder about the Body’s Smile-Heart Connection from Dr. Carmen

February 17, 2012

Valentine’s Day may be over, but it’s not too late to draw attention to the relationship between your smile and your heart (or between your smile and your overall health for that matter). The two are deeply connected, tied to one another by gum disease.

The trouble starts when bacteria and plaque irritate the gums, causing inflammation and the development of pockets between the teeth and gums. From these pockets, it’s possible for bacteria and plaque to gain access to other parts of the body, including the heart.

How gum disease contributes to heart disease is still a little bit of a mystery, but one theory explains it this way: As bacteria and plaque irritate the heart’s arterial walls, protective plaque is produced, blocking blood flow in the process and eventually causing a heart attack.

One way you can protect your smile (and your body) is with regular dental visits to Dr. Carmen’s Norman dental office. Regular visits aren’t a guarantee against heart disease, but they do provide an extra layer of protection for patients who want to support their overall health.

Is it time to schedule your next visit with us? Call our office to schedule one. Dr. Carmen treats patients from The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Moore, Central Oklahoma, and surrounding areas.

Stop Bruxism Before It Leads To TMJ Dysfunction

January 19, 2012

Bruxism is another name for a problem you may be dealing with everyday without knowing it—teeth grinding. More specifically, bruxism can involve grinding your teeth back and forth across each other, or just clenching your jaw.

Often, what prompts this is stress. It’s almost like a natural reaction and is something you can do unconsciously without thinking about too much.

That’s especially the case when you sleep. Patients who have trouble with bruxism often have the greatest trouble at night, when it’s impossible to consciously stop the grinding or clenching.

How Can I Know If I Have Bruxism?

Only a diagnosis from a dentist like Dr. Carmen can tell you for sure, but some symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Jaw pain
  • Headaches
  • Neck, back, and shoulder pain
  • Earaches
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Insomnia

With a thorough oral exam from Dr. Carmen at our Norman dental office, we can help you identify whether or not your painful symptoms are being caused by bruxism.

Why Is It Important To Treat Bruxism?

Treating bruxism is important because, if left untreated, it can lead to TMJ dysfunction. Both have painful symptoms and can significantly damage your teeth.

If you want to save your smile from serious damage and find a way to alleviate your painful symptoms, call our Norman office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Carmen. Our dental office serves patients from Norman, Moore, the University of Oklahoma, Central Oklahoma, and surrounding areas.

Get the New Year Started with a Visit to Dr. Carmen’s Norman Office

January 6, 2012

We’re about a full week into 2012, but many people are still thinking about New Year’s resolutions. If you’re one of them, consider making a New Year’s smile resolution.

What might a New Year’s smile resolution involve?

First, take a close look at your daily brushing and flossing regimen. Keeping your smile healthy means brushing twice a day, flossing at least once, and gargling with an anti-bacterial mouthwash at least once.

But beyond regular brushing and flossing, an important part of New Year’s smile resolution involves coming into Dr. Carmen’s Norman dental office for regular visits. When you come in for your January visit (or any other visit), Dr. Carmen will inspect your smile for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, TMJ dysfunction, bruxism, and oral cancer.

This kind of comprehensive approach to dentistry lets Dr. Carmen provide preventive care that is more comfortable and conservative, benefiting the patient in every way.

As more and more studies are showing, a direct link exists between a patient’s overall health and the health of his or her smile. In particular, poor gum health has been shown to share a connection with diabetic complications, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, premature birth, and heart disease.

To schedule your first visit of the year with Dr. Carmen, call our Norman office today. We serve patients from The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Moore, Central Oklahoma, and surrounding areas.

You Can Make Your Child’s Halloween Cavity-Free with Xylitol Candy

October 21, 2011

Halloween’s just a little over a week away now, and if you have little ones, you know how much they’re looking forward to the big day. You, on the other hand, just wish there was a way you could get them through the night without ruining their teeth.

Well, there is.

With xylitol candy, you can help your child stay cavity-free without dampening their trick-or-treat spirit.

The Benefits of Xylitol

Xylitol comes from the fibers of fruits and vegetables. It’s low in calories, low in carbohydrates, and has been used as for years as a sweetener, especially in sweets for diabetics. But its biggest benefit is in the way it interacts with teeth.

Unlike traditional sugar, which gives bacteria energy to feed on by breaking down, xylitol doesn’t break down. It also promotes a healthy pH level in the mouth and makes it more difficult for bacteria to stick to teeth, meaning that it actually protects smiles from cavities.

But where can you find xylitol candy?

Some online options include xlear.com, zappgum.com, and Amazon, but with a little research you may be able to find just what you’re looking for at your nearest health foods store.

Want to know more about xylitol candy, or how you can help your child have a cavity-free Halloween? Visit xylitol.org or give Dr. Carmen’s Norman office a call today. We serve patients from the University of Oklahoma, Moore, Central Oklahoma, and beyond.

TMJ Therapy from Dr. Carmen

September 23, 2011

You’ve probably heard of TMJ, but do you know what it is? Many believe TMJ is a painful condition that involves jaw clicking or jaw pain. And while that’s not far from the mark, TMJ actually stands for nothing more innocuous than temporomandibular joint, which is the joint connecting both sides of your jaw to the bottom of your skull.

TMJ dysfunction is the term we actually use to talk about that painful yet common condition involving jaw, shoulder, neck, and back pain, among other symptoms. And because it’s much more common than you might think, Dr. Carmen checks for TMJ dysfunction in every patient who comes in for a visit, because no one should have to live with unnecessary pain.

Relief from Painful Symptoms

One of the primary ways Dr. Carmen can help you treat TMJ dysfunction is with a physiologic bite appliance, the goal of which is to correct a misaligned bite—one of the primary causes behind TMJ dysfunction.

But an oral appliance isn’t the only way our Norman office can help. Because stress is another leading cause of painful symptoms, learning how you can alleviate it can dramatically affect your daily life. We’ll teach you some helpful relaxation techniques to keep in mind and show you how even paying attention to your posture can make a significant difference.

Want to learn more?  Contact our Norman office to schedule your next check-up. Dr. Carmen will thoroughly inspect your smile for TMJ dysfunction, in addition to gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer.

Call us today! Relief is just around the corner!

The Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

September 2, 2011

For years, dentists have used traditional amalgam fillings to treat tooth decay. So why does Dr. Carmen’s Norman office use tooth-colored fillings? Well, there are a few reasons.

One is that tooth-colored fillings come with a cosmetic benefit. Tooth-colored fillings, as the name suggests, are tooth-colored. So when you smile, you end up showing off beautiful, healthy teeth instead of dark fillings. That’s because tooth-colored fillings can be shaded to blend in exactly with your teeth. Only you and Dr. Carmen will even know you have fillings.


A Back-To-School Appointment with Dr. Carmen

August 4, 2011

Now that August is here, the first day of school isn’t far behind. So, with that in mind, why not call our Norman office and schedule an appointment for your son or daughter with Dr. Carmen.

With a thorough oral exam and cleaning from our office, Dr. Carmen can help protect young smiles from plaque and bacteria, the primary ingredients of tooth decay and gum disease.

Why Are Regular Visits So Important?

Regular visits, which include back-to-school visits, are important for more than just protecting a smile from cavities.

What a lot of patients don’t know is that their oral health can actually impact their overall health. The impact may not be immediate, but over time, the same bacteria and plaque responsible for gum disease and tooth decay can increase a patient’s risk of developing a wide range of health problems, including heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, stroke, and even pre-term birth.

That’s why another term for general dentistry is preventive dentistry. Regular cleanings plus daily brushing and flossing helps your entire body stay strong, in addition to protecting your smile from gum disease and tooth decay.

To schedule an appointment for yourself or your child, give us a call today. Our Norman office serves patients from The University of Oklahoma, Moore, Central Oklahoma, and surrounding areas.

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