Restful Restorations: 3 Reasons to Take Your Dentures Out at Night

July 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carmen @ 6:21 pm
Set of dentures in a glass next to an alarm clock

Dentures are the tried-and-true way to rebuild your smile after tooth loss, whether you need a full or partial set. They allow you to eat, speak, and smile more like you used to. Although it can take about a month for your tongue and other supporting muscles to acclimate to your restoration, when they do, you may feel so comfortable wearing it that you forget it’s there.

You might even wonder whether you can wear them 24/7 to avoid the hassle of removing and reinserting them at night. While this might be okay occasionally, it’s not usually recommended. Continue reading to learn 3 reasons why!

Reason #1: Accelerated Bone Loss

Did you know that when you lose permanent teeth, your jawbone begins to deteriorate? This is because your roots stimulate new bone growth every time you bite down and chew. When one goes missing, your body begins to resorb bone mass that’s no longer needed to support it. In time, as your jaw thins, your restoration can become loose, ill-fitting, or unable to form a tight enough bond against your gums.

Dentures remain in place by forming a firm suction against the bony ridges of your mouth, and too much extra pressure can speed up this process of bone degeneration. Taking them out overnight gives your mouth the break it needs to rest and rejuvenate.

Reason #2: Unhealthy Tissue

Your mouth is full of bacteria that love to thrive in the tight spaces between your prosthetics and your gum tissue. Unfortunately, this leaves you at an increased risk of developing gum disease or chronic bad breath. You could also develop a condition known as denture stomatitis, which causes inflammation and irritation in the tissues lining your mouth.  This can leave your gums feeling so irritated that you can’t comfortably wear your restoration until they have a chance to heal.

Reason #3: Smelly Dentures

Many patients assume that because their artificial teeth can’t get cavities, they don’t need to worry about brushing them regularly, but nothing could be further from the truth. Leftover bits of food can cling to them, attracting germs that can form plaque or tartar. This can leave your dentures with an unpleasant scent that might be carried on your breath.

To prevent this, remove your dentures twice daily to thoroughly scrub them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild, unscented dish soap that won’t abrade the material. You should also place them in a glass of water or cleaning solution overnight to kill up to 99% of unwanted microbes.

Your dentures are a great way to refurbish your grin, but they’re not intended to be worn all day and night. Leaving them out overnight gives your mouth the break it needs to recover!

About the Author

Dr. Bobby Carmen has more than 20 years of experience helping people enhance their lives by improving their oral health. He earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery at the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry and has since continued his education at the Dawson Academy, Scottsdale Center for Dentistry, and the Misch International Implant Institute. Today, he offers a full range of services to patients of all ages to streamline your family’s dental care. He combines a relaxing atmosphere with state-of-the-art technology to provide more lifelike, accurate results. If you’re interested in dentures and need a consultation, you can request an appointment on the website or call (405) 364-2200.

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