When to Ditch an Over-the-counter Mouthguard (and Why)

September 24, 2015

Woman gets ready for bed by placing her mouthguardAre you a nighttime tooth grinder? If so, it’s a condition we also call bruxism, and its side effects are serious. Many times, adults try to self-treat nighttime conditions like bruxism — and sleep apnea, which occurs when the soft tissues of the mouth block the airway — with over-the-counter solutions, like one-size-fits-all mouth trays, snoring prevention or boil and bite mouthguards. These can provide an acceptable solution for a short period of time, but if you’ve got a real problem, you need a real, professional solution. Read more to learn about professional mouthguards from your dentist in Norman.

Sensitive teeth or anti-cavity mouthwashes? Which one is better?

September 8, 2015

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , , — dr_carmen @ 4:35 pm

Be sure to spit out mouthwash after use.Norman, OK dentist, Dr. Bobby J. Carmen, teaches patients that mouthwashes are valuable oral hygiene tools. It’s important to choose carefully among sensitive teeth rinses, anti-cavity mouthwashes and others to optimize effectiveness.

Of the many mouthwash choices on the market, which one is best for your health and oral hygiene routine? Sensitive teeth rinses, anti-cavity mouthwashes–different products address various patient needs. Dr. Bobby J. Carmen, Norman, OK dentist recommends understanding mouthwash ingredients and what each product accomplishes.